Hedgehog: Gallery
Phonics phase 5 actions , by Mrs Stevenson
Sign Language, by Mrs Pike
Painting with our hands and feet, by Mrs Pike
Dinosaur Discovery, by Mrs Thorne
Autumn Walk, by Mrs Pike
Year 1 Autumn Walk, by Mrs Dellius
New Brighton Trip, by Mrs Pike
Forest school group 2, by Mrs Pike
Eisteddfod, by Mrs Pike
Chirk Castle Trip, by Mrs Thorne
Teddy Bears' Picnic, by Mrs Thorne
World Book Day, by Mrs Thorne
Somerville Breakfast Club, by Miss Higby
PE at Leasowe, by Mrs Pike
Forest school group 1, by Mrs Pike
Chinese New Year Celebration, by Mrs Pike
Winter walk, by Mrs Pike
Our first day at forest school, by Mrs Pike
Sock Puppets, by Mrs Pike
Shared reading with Year 5. , by Mrs Pike
Baptism at the URC Church, by Mrs Pike
Chester zoo, by Mrs Pike
Autumn walk, by Mrs Pike
Year 1 Advent at Riverside School, by Mrs Pike
Chatterpix app, by Mrs Pike