We recognise that transitions are extremely important and we try to ensure that these are as smooth as possible.
Transition into Somerville Nursery
Where children are joining the nursery the following steps are in place to support transition:
- Parents and children are welcome to look around Somerville Nursery School to see what provision we offer and whether you feel we can meet the needs of your child.
- Parents / Carers complete ‘all about me’ and ‘parental views’ forms
- Staff liaise with other professionals involved with the child e.g. health visitors, speech and language practitioners, portage etc. as appropriate.
- Children visit the new provision for short periods of time prior to their transition
- Staff meet parents / carers to discuss children’s individual needs and their learning and development
- Parents / carers are provided with a 'transition booklet' to share with their child. This provides photographs of the environment and staff, as well as information about key routines.
- Children are supported to settle on an individual basis, in close liaison with parents / carers
- Parents / carers are kept fully informed throughout transition and have the opportunity to discuss any concerns with their child’s keyworker.
Transition within Somerville Nursery School
Where children are moving from one form of provision to another, within the Nursery setting, staff will liaise closely to ensure a smooth transition. Steps in place to support this include:
- Parents / carers complete updated 'All About Me' and 'Parental Views'
- Children visit the new provision for short periods of time during the term prior to their transition
- Staff meet to discuss children’s individual needs and their learning and development
- Parents are advised of forthcoming changes and have the opportunity to discuss any concerns with a child’s existing key worker and / or their new keyworker.
Some children may find transition to a new class within the nursery difficult for whatever reason and this can be stressful for them. We can offer these children internal transition support and regular, short visits to their new classroom and to meet their new class teacher.
Transition into Foundation 2 (Reception)
At Somerville Nursery School we have very close links with Somerville Primary School. We work collaboratively with Foundation 2 staff to ensure successful transitions to the primary school. The following procedures have been put in place to support children.
- F2 staff visit children at the nursery regularly in the summer term
- Staff meet to discuss how best to support children, including the well-being, learning and development needs
- Nursery staff will complete transition information for each child in accordance with Local Authority requirements. This will be shared with receiving primary schools.
- Parents are invited to a meeting at the primary school to ensure that they are familiar with school procedures and are advised about the allocation of classes and will have an opportunity to express any concerns they may have.
- The children are invited to visit their new class and to participate in activities
If children are transitioning to schools beyond Somerville Federation, staff from the receiving primary schools are invited to visit the children at Somerville Nursery and to meet with their key person.
Children needing extra support
Children who have been identified as requiring additional support or who are part of an Early Help Assessment process may find transitions more challenging and in these instances we will arrange meetings with parents / carers before the child transitions to or from nursery. This gives the opportunity for information to be gathered and plans put into place in advance. The Nursery SENDCO, Primary SENDCO and Social Inclusion Manager will work alongside key staff, parents / carers and other professionals as appropriate to ensure a positive outcome for children.