Welcome to Somerville.
I hope that your child will be very happy at our school and will do well.
Our Vision is: Aiming high together
Through our mission: Inspiring and challenging to ensure successful futures
Our core values:
There is a lot of information contained in this brochure but the best way to keep up to date is to regularly check the school website at: Here you will find all the latest news, information, photographs and also copies of letters that are sent home in case your child manages to lose them on the way! Throughout the school year there will be times when you are invited into school; the success of the pupils is dependent on school and home working together well. If there is anything that you want to discuss please call into the school office where staff will be able to arrange for the best person to deal with your query; to meet or contact you.
The safety of the pupils is of the utmost importance and for this reason all visitors to school, including parents, must enter via the main entrance to the school office, sign in and wear the appropriate visitor badge.
All gates to the school grounds are locked between the hours of 8.55am. and 3pm. and there is an extensive CCTV system covering all gates and doors. Adults are not permitted on the key stage 1 and 2 playground when children arrive for school between 8.45am to 8.55am.
I am very proud of Somerville Nursery and Primary Schools. I look forward to meeting you to share the many opportunities available to your child at both schools.
Yours sincerely,
Mr P Dickson
Executive Headteacher
Click here for the Somerville Nursery School prospectus
Somerville Primary School prospectus can be found below: