Ladybird 2024 - 2025
Foundation Stage 2023-2024
Welcome to Ladybird Class!
Teacher: Miss Ledsom
F2 Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Dellius
Mrs Quest
Mrs Giles
Miss Savage
In Foundation Stage 2 we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework. This framework covers 7 areas of learning and development which are listed below. Each area of learning has an Early Learning Goal which is the standard that a child is expected to reach by the end of the summer term in Reception.
The 3 prime areas:
- communication and language
- physical development
- personal, social and emotional development
The 4 specific areas:
- literacy
- maths
- understanding the world
- expressive arts and design
In Foundation Stage 2 (F2) our aim is to provide our children with a broad and balanced curriculum which is filled with fun and exciting learning opportunities which will challenge our pupils, encourage their curiosity and inspire their play. The value of play in early years is very high. Children learn best when they are having fun! Our F2 team is highly skilled in observing our children’s interests, facilitating their play and extending their learning through a balance of child initiated and adult led activities.
- Please ensure that every item of school clothing and belongings (including coats, hats, scarves, gloves, lunchboxes, water bottles, shoes, wellington boots and book bags) are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
- Water bottles must be brought into school everyday.
- Book bags must be brought into school every day.
Reading at Home
Your child will bring home a reading for pleasure book every night. These are books that you can enjoy together and should be read every night. Talk to your child about what is happening in the book and encourage them to talk about what is happenning in the pictures. Please write a comment and date in your child's yellow reading diary, that way we know your child is ready for another reading pleasure book.
PE day will be on Tuesdays. Plesae can children come to school dressed in their PE kit - a white top and black or navy shorts/leggings or jogging bottoms and a pair of trainers.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and returned to school on a Tuesday.
Please come and speak to any member of our F2 team if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year. We are always available to help and we are looking forward to an exciting year in Ladybird Class! ?