Religious education
Religious Education allows children to celebrate diversity of beliefs, cultures and faith in a respectful way.
Religious Education at Somerville Primary School allows children to explore, investigate and ask questions about a variety of faiths. This knowledge and the experiences linked to it are built upon each year. Children are given the opportunity to take a ‘deep dive ‘ into the fundamentals of a religion, talk about and debate statements with their peers and share views in an inclusive environment of no judgement.
Minister visits and trips allow the children to gather first hand experience about a topic being covered or to experience a religion / religious place that is unfamiliar to them. Topics are covered using a variety of methods. Hot seating, role play, art, debates, comparisons of accounts are some of the ways in which the children are taught. Work is recorded in class floor books. These floor books are started in F2 and move up with the Year group during their time at Somerville. These floor books contain examples of the work and activities completed and show how each topic is built upon each year.