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Visits and Visitors

We use the curriculum to enhance and broaden the experiences and opportunities available to children in our setting. We provide a wide range of exciting and stimulating activities for children, often building on their own interests. Some examples include; Forest Schools sessions; Orchard exploration; Trips offsite; and visitors to  the setting.  Below are some examples of visitors, events and trips experienced by our children:

Relax Kids

Seacombe Family Hub supported Relax Kids sessions for our F1 children this year. The children and staff enjoyed joining in with all the fun activities and learned some new strategies to help with self regulation. For example: we used feathers to support us in taking deep breaths - watching as the feathers moved when we breathed out. For more information on Relax Kids please visit their website 

Eid workshop

The nursery welcomes parents and carers to attend workshops where they can find out more about how their children learn and also about other cultures and celebrations. Here are some photographs from an Eid craft workshop. 

The Creepy Crawly Show

Every year we invite 'The Creepy Crawly Show' to share the story of 'Oliver's Animal Adventures - the windy day'. As the story progresses children are introduced to the various animals that appear throughout the story, including: a tarantula, a Californian king snake, a boa constrictor, a giant African land snail, a tenrec, a barn owl, a bearded dragon and a leopard gecko. The sessions are fully interactive and children and staff are able to touch and hold the animals, carefully following the handler's instructions. 

Caterpillars to Butterflies

Children in F1 have been excited to watch the development of live caterpillars over time. Children were able to examine the little caterpillars in individual pots and then over the course of 2 weeks they watched as the caterpillars grew in size and then eventually created cocoons around themselves. When this happened, the cocoons were transferred into a butterfly net. After a week or so, butterflies began to emerge from the cocoons and had access to sugar water and fruit. It has been amazing to be able to watch a lifecycle in action and we were all excited to release the butterflies into the nursery garden. 

Beach trip

Parents, children and staff had a lovely day out at the beach this year. Despite the mixed weather, everyone had a great time! As well as exploring the environment and playing with their friends, children could access activities including: natural mark-making; races; bean bag throwing; beach limbo; beach yoga; and the outright favourite -sand castle building! After a picnic lunch, families were able to engage in activities at Vale Park. 

Chester Zoo

Every year children in F1 have the opportunity to visit Chester Zoo with a parent / carer. Below are some photographs from our most recent trip. 

Pool & Pamper

Our 2 Year Olds had a 'Pool and Pamper' day this week to promote self care. Children were able to have lots of fun in our paddling pools and were also able to have their hair styled and to taste some special fruit. Everyone had an amazing time, including the teachers!

Chester Zoo craft days

Linked to their trip to Chester Zoo, Butterfly class created some Papier Mache animals and decorated them using paint, tissue paper and other embellishments. A huge thank you to the parents and carers who joined our creative sessions!

Stage 1

Stage 2

The finished articles

The Floral Pavilion - Dear Zoo

November 2024 - The whole nursery went to see 'Dear Zoo' at The Floral Pavilion in New Brighton. It was great to see one of our Core Stoies brought to life on the stage! Click on the link to see what it was like

Visiting Author - Donna Ostrom

We were thrilled to have Donna visit the nursery to read her amazing new book 'Mongoose Betty'. The children really loved it and it links so well with anti-bullying week! We were also thrilled with the kind donation of a copy her book to both classes.

Somerville Primary School Somerville Nursery School
23 Brentwood Street
CH44 4BB
0151 638 1567
Somerville Primary School Somerville Primary School
Northbrook Road
CH44 9AR
0151 638 5074

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