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Juniper 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Juniper class!


Teacher: Miss Tarbiat

Year 5 Teaching Assistants:


Miss Thompson

Mr Cuthbert



PE Days: Monday & Friday. Please ensure your child comes in to school on PE days wearing their P.E Kit. School uniform for P.E is a white t-shirt, black or navy-blue shorts and black pumps.  Your child may require something warmer to wear if the weather is colder. Please ensure that all items of kit are clearly labelled with your child’s name.  For health and safety reasons, children cannot wear jewellery for PE, so all children need to either be able to remove their earrings or they should be removed in the morning before school.

Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day.

Please label ALL clothing and belongings.

Please ensure you put sun cream on your children on sunny days.


Reading: is a vital element in all subjects and reading books will be sent home every night. All children are expected to read at for at least 10 minutes every night. Please listen to your child read and sign their home reading diary. 


CURRICULUM—What your child will be learning


This half term we will be focusing on a short film entitled “Little Freak”, where children will be using basic sentence skills. This will be followed by the book “The Errand”, where they will be writing a cliff-hanger narrative and an instruction manual.  Next half term we will be reading the book ‘FaRther’, where they will be describing a setting and writing a letter.



We will start year 5 looking at the place value of numbers up to one million; addition and subtraction; statistics; multiplication and division; and area and perimeter.


Physical Education

Indoor PE—Gymnastics

Outdoor—Football and Rugby



Our science unit for the Autumn term is Earth and space, followed by a unit on forces.



We will be studying Anglo-Saxons and Vikings concentrating on them raiding and invading.



We will thinking about how to keep safe online then using a program called “Flowol” to control devices.



We will be learning about how we feel in French; subjects we study and school and places in the city.



In art we will be doing creative collage and studying the artist Megan Coyle, and in DT we will be making waist-coats!




In RE, we will be looking at why Christians celebrate Christmas and the different titles they use for Jesus.


Please ensure you put sun cream on your children on sunny days.



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Somerville Primary School Somerville Nursery School
23 Brentwood Street
CH44 4BB
0151 638 1567
Somerville Primary School Somerville Primary School
Northbrook Road
CH44 9AR
0151 638 5074

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