ECO Schools
Our Vision
To offer ALL children outdoor learning experiences and opportunities to enhance and complement all aspects of the curriculum and strengthen each child’s social, emotional and physical development.
ECO Code
Objectives for 2024-2025
To raise awareness of eco-friendly approaches to transport
To raise awareness of recycling approaches amongst all stake holders
To reduce the use of single use plastics within the nursery and beyond
Green Flag Awards
ECO newsletters
14th - 20th October 2024: 'Recycling week'
Children have been sorting rubbish and learning about recycling. The book ‘Maya and Marley and the Great Big Tidy Up’ helped children to understand how to look after our environments at home and in nursery.
How can you make a difference?
Find out what you can recycle in your grey bin:
See what happens to your recycling:
National Education Nature Park Grant
In 2023-24 we were awarded a grant to help us improve the biodiversity of our site and to empower children and young people to make a positive difference to both their own and to nature’s future. As a result of the grant we were able to carry out a number of initiatives, including:
· Planting wildflowers
· Developing our planting areas
· Planting flowers / fruit & vegetables
· Adding climbing plants to fences
· Adding more rainwater storage and irrigation
· Investing in cameras and IT equipment to monitor and record developments
· Investing in tools & gardening gear
· Building Storage for our gardening tools & equipment
· Ensuring that all children have appropriate wet weather gear to access outdoors in all weathers
Take a look at the photos below to see some of our work.