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SEND at Nursery

Welcome to our page for all information relating to  Special Educational Needs and Disabilties (SEND) at Somerville Nursery School. 

Our vision is simple: "Aiming High Together- inspiring and challenging to ensure successful futures'. 

We are committed to providing the best quality educational experience for every child in our nursery. Any child, regardless of their additional needs, gender, disability, ethnicity, ability or social background has the right to a high quality, broad, inclusive and balanced curriculum. 

Below you will find some useful information regarding how we support our pupils with SEND and what is out there on offer in the local area. The SEND information report below, contains details of services available to pupils with individual needs at the school and gives you a flavour of what we have to offer. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Booth, the school's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO) at the nursery. Mrs L Andrews is our SEND governor.

The Local Offer Wirral is available here

Sue Booth.jpg

Mrs S Booth - Nursery SENDCO

Nursery Sensory Room

Our sensory room enables us to offer a more inclusive environment, supporting children who attend our setting. The room and its resources will support children in the following ways:

Sensory stimulation

By encouraging the children to engage and explore the environment and to have positive effects on their ability to react and interact with the world around them.

Enhance learning through play

Following on from this, sensory stimulation will engage different areas of the brain, helping children absorb and retain more information.

Physical development

Sensory and physical exploration of the environment will help children to develop perceptual and spatial awareness and also to improve balance and movement. 

Supporting emotional wellbeing and behaviour / PSED

By providing a sense of calm and comfort, helping children learn to self-regulate their behaviours. 

Communication and Language

Attention and listening skills will be supported as children tune into isolated sounds, sights and textures.  Sound responsive resources will encourage children to experiment with vocalisation and communication. 

The development of the sensory environment links with key areas within our School Development Plan

Somerville Primary School Somerville Nursery School
23 Brentwood Street
CH44 4BB
0151 638 1567
Somerville Primary School Somerville Primary School
Northbrook Road
CH44 9AR
0151 638 5074

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