Goal 8 - Write your name
First milestone:"Children use the muscles in their hands and arms to make big movements. They move in a range of ways with increasing confidence, running and climbing."
Second milestone:"Children bring together hand and eye movements to fix on and make contact with objects. They increasingly become confident in engaging in activities such as pushing wheeled toys, throwing / kicking a ball and manipulating objects e.g. playdough, pouring water, sand, jig-saws, stacking blocks etc."
Third milestone: "Children become confident in hand-eye coordination and can now catch a large ball. They can thread beads, use small pegs and can use a range of resources to make marks with e.g. chunky chalks, brushes etc."
Fourth Milestone:
"Children’s mark making develops and they can now make more small controlled movements, including circles, lines and zig-zags. Children can recognise the first letter of their name and are beginning to identify their name from a selection of a few."
Fifth Milestone: "Children begin to use anticlockwise movements and retrace vertical lines. They are familiar with the language of directionality e.g. up / down / round. Children can find their name card and use it as they attempt to write their name, forming some recognisable letters."
Final Milestone: "Children hold their pencil with a comfortable grip. They write the letters of their name clearly and with correct directionality."