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Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch up Premium

All Schools in England were allocated funding called the Coronavirus Catch Up Premium in 2020.

Funding allocation

Schools’ allocations was calculated on a per pupil basis, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 for each pupil in years reception through to 11. Somerville Primary School was allocated a total of £41,920 for the equivalent of 433 children distributed in three tranches. Tranche 1 of £10,480 in 2020, in April 2021 a further allocation is planned of £13,975 and then a further £17,465 in April 2022.


This funding will be provided in 3 tranches as above for Somerville Primary School. 

The first grant and second grant has been paid to the school.

The second grant payment will also take account of the initial part payment made in autumn 2020 so that schools will receive a total of £46.67 per pupil or £140 per place across the first 2 payment rounds.

A further £33.33 per pupil or £100 per place will be paid during the summer term 2021.

Though funding has been calculated on a per pupil or per place basis, schools should use the sum available to them as a single total from which to prioritise support for pupils according to their need.

As the catch-up premium has been designed to mitigate the effects of the unique disruption caused by coronavirus (COVID-19), the grant will only be available for the 2020 to 2021 academic year. It will not be added to schools’ baselines in calculating future years’ funding allocations.

Use at Somerville Primary School.

Funding will be used to support additional intervention groups during the school day as well as booster sessions after school. Some gaps in children's learning have become apparent as a consequence of children not being in school during the lockdown period in 2020-2021. Somerville Staff have and will continue to identify those children who have specific gaps in their learning who with additional support would be able to overcome these barriers.

Children identified as having gaps in their learning will be prioritised by the class teacher for the interventions and booster sessions. Children will be allocated to these sessions over time. This will ensure that as many children who require support to overcome barriers and who have been identified as having gaps in their learning can access these sessions and intervention lessons.

Funding will also be used to recruit a wellbeing mentor to support those children who would benefit from emotional health and wellbeing support to overcome barriers to their learning.

Somerville Primary School has also been successful in securing two fully funded Academic Mentors to work in school to support children through group work and individually in both literacy and numeracy catch up.

It is intended that children will benefit from the catch up premium until December 2021. As the year progresses further funding allocated both from the catch up premium and the governing body will be allocated to any other children who have been identified as having gaps in their learning once more of the curriculum has been delivered.




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Somerville Primary School Somerville Nursery School
23 Brentwood Street
CH44 4BB
0151 638 1567
Somerville Primary School Somerville Primary School
Northbrook Road
CH44 9AR
0151 638 5074

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