Holly 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Holly class!
Teacher: Mrs Connolly
Year 3 Teaching Assistants:
Miss Tran
Miss Nixon
Mrs Pusey
Holly class PE day will be every Tuesday. Please make sure you child wears the correct kit.
PE Kit: Plain white T shirt, with or without collar. Navy, black or grey leggings or jogging bottoms.
A pair of plimsoles without black soles can be kept in schol, in a pump bag for indoor PE. A pair of sensible trainers for outdoor PE days. A pair of navy, black or grey shorts for indoor PE days.
Swimming takes place every Wednesday morning at Europa Pools. Children need to come to school in their school uniform with their swimming kit and towel in a bag.
Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day.
Please label ALL clothing and belongings.
Please ensure you put sun cream on your children on sunny days.
Homework expectations
Reading books will be changed weekly in accordance with the phonics teaching.
All children are expected to read at least 3 times a week. Please listen to your child read and sign their home reading diary. We will be marking this off daily and keeping track of who is reading at home.
'Reading is a passport to countless adventures - Mary Pope Osborne'.
TT Rockstars:
By the end of Year 3 your child should know their 2,3,4,5,8, and 10 times tables. TT Rockstars is an excellent online programme to help your child increase timetables knowledge. Login details can be found in your child's reading record.