Autumn Information
Year 2 Autumn Information
Robin Class—Miss Stevenson
Hedgehog Class— Mrs Sloan
Otter Class—Miss Hughes
Band Leader—Miss Stevenson
Assistant Headteacher for KS1— Mrs O’Shaughnessy
Deputy Headteacher—Mrs Parry
Executive Headteacher—Mr Dickson
IMPORTANT DAYS AND DATES FOR YOUR DIARY PE DAYS Robin: Monday and Friday Otter: Tuesday and Wednesday Hedgehog: Wednesday and Thursday Please ensure your child has their full PE kit in on the above days. |
TRIPS / VISITS / EVENTS: 14th September— Ness Gardens trip Walk of the local area Food tasting ‘around the world’ Pizza making |
CURRICULUM—What your child will be learning English We will be looking at a film unit called ‘Something Fishy’ and focusing on basic sentence structure. We will be reading The Bog Baby and The Night Gardener in English. We will be writing excellent sentences that begin with a capital letter, end with a full stop and make sense and working on improving our handwriting in a pre cursive style. We will also be using adjectives to improve our writing. Maths We will be looking at the place value of numbers up to 100 and counting forwards and backwards. We will be comparing numbers and objects and using place value charts and part whole models to look at numbers as tens and ones. Religious Education We will be looking at the Christmas story. Physical Education We will be doing gymnastics, dance and games. Science This term we will be looking at living things and their habitats. PHSCE We will be following the ‘Jigsaw’ scheme and starting with ‘Being in my world’. Geography We will be learning about our local area, looking at maps and locating our school. We will be carrying out a traffic survey and thinking about our likes and dislikes of our local area. We will move onto looking at the characteristics of the four countries in the UK , their capital cities and their surrounding seas. We will also be thinking about the equator and the different weather patterns around the UK . We will go on a journey around the world food tasting and completing a ‘food passport’. We will taste different foods, locate the continents on a map and listen to music from the different continents. Art & DT Children will also be working as artists to study Van Gogh and create artwork similar to his styles. We will look at some of his most famous paintings. We will be using clay to make sea turtles. In DT, we will be investigating, designing and making our own pizzas. Music In Music, we are looking at the pulse and beat of a song and will be making our own rainforest compositions. |
COMMUNICATION If you wish to talk to the teacher about anything please do so; often small issues can be quickly resolved, if we know about them. If the class teacher has been unable to solve the problem the next person to speak to is the Band Leader and then the Assistant Headteacher. Please read the newsletter to keep you informed about what is happening in school. Important information is shared on here. Check the website if your child hasn’t brought one home or follow the link on the weekly text message . |
Helping at Home Reading Please hear your child read from their reading book at least three times a week. This is very important to support the reading that they are doing in school. In addition to this, your child will bring home a ‘reading for pleasure book’ which can be read by you and shared with your children. Every week, you will also receive an email from your child’s Read Write Inc teacher with links to the reading and spelling for the speed sound they have learnt in school that week. Please give your child time to watch these videos to help support us with their phonics lessons. Maths Every Friday your child will bring home a maths worksheet related to the work that they have covered that week in class. Please make sure that this is returned to the class teacher by the following Wednesday. Your child will also be getting a log in for Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars in the front of their reading records which they can use to log in and access maths games and activities. This is a fun and engaging way for your child to improve their knowledge. Spelling Every Friday your child will bring home a spelling sheet with 5 or 10 words that they will be tested on the following Friday. Please practise these with your child using the sheets provided. We are having a big focus on improving their spelling during this term. By the end of Year 2, your child will be expected to read and spell the Year 2 common exception words. |